At ALASALWA, we believe less is more when it comes to producing our pieces. Unlike traditional jewellers, that often over-purchase on designs which can lead to wasted resources, we prefer to sell with an on-demand approach. Essentially, we only produce what you tell us to produce. They say you vote with your pounds, and we’ve taken this to heart, allowing you to truly upvote your favourite pieces into existence through presales. It’s both a modern and mindful approach to jewellery shopping. This means you don't get a sale when we overproduce, you get a sale price when you plan ahead.


That’s right– we reward every preorder with a discount, to thank you for making a great choice. You have 12 weeks from the expected ship date to place your preorder, and receive your 25% discount. It pays to be patient! We’ll let you know the expected ship date of your item up front, so you can plan accordingly. Of course, you always have the option to shop our stock once an item is past the preorder phase and is readily available– but the virtuous discount will no longer be attached. Shop in-stock pieces at full price, or get in early for a generous discount? The choice is always yours.

What's in it for you:

Preordering is a proven way to cut back on impulse purchasing. In a world of flash sales and fast fashion, shopping on demand helps us make more mindful purchases when it comes to our style choices. It’s ideal for putting together seasonal capsule wardrobes– what tried and true looks are you tying together for the coming months? Preordering allows us time to think more about the items we choose for ourselves. While many brands lead with a "now or never" scarcity mentality around shopping, we’re utilising a more-is-more approach giving you ample time to consider and reconsider, and encourage your 3 besties to order matching pieces in the process. Life is fast paced enough– we’re giving you peace of mind with a shopping option that’s refreshingly sloooooowed down.


One of the biggest problems with modern manufacturing across the board is overproduction. Retailers will bite off more than they can chew when producing their products, and when the sales begin to slow they discount until it’s gone– or not. Stock that sticks around too long often ends up in bargain stores, or in some cases, the landfill. Encouraging impulse purchases from customers can land pre-owned items in crowded op shops or for resale online after only a few months' time. Demi-fine jewellery utilises natural and precious resources like gold and gemstones that we’d hate to put to waste. Why senselessly overproduce when we can use a liberal production method that ensures a majority of our pieces will be cherished for years to come? Learn more about our sustainability practices here.